Friday, June 14, 2013

Day ?- Lake Tahoe and San Francisco

We did a drive around the lake the other day and it was beautiful!

 We've had nothing but blue skies the whole time we've been here. The temps have been in the low 70's for the past week! It's a big change from just down the mountain in Reno where it has been like 90 degrees.

Since we have a few more days off of work, we went to San Francisco and San Mateo, California. We saw where Elliott grew up, Burlingame, Foster City and San Mateo. We ate at his favorite sandwich shop, Mr. Pickles and then did a quick drive through the town. We went to a grocery store called Drager's where Cait was in cookie heaven.

 For dinner we met up with Cait's friend Jess and this little sports bar in a strip mall. Then we went back to the hotel and got ready to go to San Fran!

We didn't do much in San Francisco. We went and saw Gap Inc headquarters which was awesome. Don Fisher, the man who started Gap Inc, had an incredible art collection and if you work for the company you were able to take a peek! It was awesome, a lot of Warhol and other artists. Unfortunately,  you were not allowed to take pictures.

Then we drove through the city to go across the Golden Gate Bridge.

It was a great trip! We are looking forward to going back so that we can go do touristy things like see the Full House house, Alcatraz, Fisherman's Warf and more! We both start work next week so we will keep you updated on our last few days of freedom!

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Days 6, 7 & 8- Lake Tahoe, NV

It's been awhile! We are getting used to being on PST!  We left Salt Lake and made our way through Utah to Nevada!
We drove through a whole lot of nothing and until we got to the Salt Flats in Utah!

 It was awesome! It was cold and wet and it was full of large grains of salt!

Then we made it to Nevada!
The second we crossed over into NV, we saw casinos! We stopped at a gas station and they had slots inside! Once we got to the house we had a lovely meal made by Elliott's mother, Laura. The next day we got up early and started to get unpacked. We took some time off to go to the beach!
It was beautiful! The water was freezing so we only went in up to our knees. Then Laura and Evan took us to dinner at a cute little tapas restaurant in town! On the next update we will take pictures of where we live so that everyone can see!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Days 4 & 5- Denver & Salt Lake City

Finally getting to catch up after our night in Denver! After leaving Wichita, we drove for hours to get out of Kansas. There is nothing in Kansas, just farms. Thankfully we did not hit any bad weather as we were driving through!

Soon enough we made it to "Colorful Colorado"! For the first few hours, it looked a lot like Kansas, but a little more dry. Then, we finally made it to Denver! We met up with Cait's close friend, Katey, and spent the evening with her and her husband. We had dinner at a little Mexican restaurant and then went for drinks at a pie shop! It was over cast and rainy so we didn't get any good pictures of Denver.

Early the next morning, we made our way out of Denver into the Rocky Mountains. It was so beautiful! Thankfully we got lots of pictures!

Soon after we made it through the mountains, we came to Glenwood Canyon and dipped our feet into the Colorado River. It was freezing!

Not too long after, we made it into Utah.
Until we got to Salt Lake City, there was nothing but desert. And it was so hot!
Tomorrow morning we are on the road bright and early to make it to our final destination, Incline Village, NV! We will keep updating as we get settled in so that everyone can see how we're doing!

Monday, June 3, 2013

Day 3- Wichita

Not a whole lot to report today. We spent the whole day in the car on the way to Wichita. We did make a few stops. After leaving the disaster that is Tennessee made our way to Missouri.
 The state was beautiful but it was so long! We got a little stir crazy after a while. This is the view that we had 90% of the day.
 Soon enough we made our way into Kansas. It was not much better.

Kansas is nothing but flat land and cows. There is nothing around for miles and miles. After 9 hours we made it to Wichita. We had dinner at a place called The Anchor. It was this cute little hipster bar/restaurant and Elliott got a burger topped with french fries!  Now we are settling down for our drive to CO tomorrow to see our friend Katey!

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Day 2- Tennessee

After a long day of driving, we are very excited to be stationary! We made it to Tennessee!

This picture was taken on the side of a mountain after it was pouring for a while! We had to make sure we took the picture quickly so that we didn't get soaked.
What no one tells you is that Tennessee is actually the worst. However, we found ourselves at Burgess Falls Park and decided to make a quick hike to see the falls!

We had some fun splashing around in the shallow area of the falls and then made the trek to the top!

Once we got to the top, it was beautiful!

Elliott wanted to check it out so he got a little bit closer!
The change in time-zone has been weird. It says that it's only 10:50 pm but we're still on EST. We're off to bed and then up early to make our way to Wichita. Not sure if we are going to make a stop in Graceland but there will be many more pictures!

Day 1- On the Way to Charlotte NC!

Hello! Welcome to our blog of our trip across the country! Yesterday morning we left from Annapolis, MD and made our way south to Charlotte, NC!

The first leg of our trip was to make it to a place in Virginia called Dinosaur Land. It was FANTASTIC!
This is the entrance into the most magical place on earth!!

The first thing you encounter is an 80ft Shark.. But you have to be careful.
As we made our way around the dinosaur park, we made some new friends!

But not everything there was so friendly..

After escaping King Kong's grip we made our way through Virginia and finally arrived!

We worked up quite and appetite after such a long day, so we decided to have some world famous North Carolina BBQ at Mac's Speed Shop.

Off to Graceland!!